Can you say "4 day weekend"? I knew you could!

Yep...4 days to get some things organized, photos taken, and social media updated!

On the to-do list:

  1. Studio photos of all inventory items added to the website.
  2. Instagram presence
  3. New YouTube channel to post weekly Vlogs of new designs and progress
  4. Promotions (IE, give-aways) and other freebies or contests! YAY!
  5. Pick up additional mats so we can finish new designs to add to our offerings.

4 days did you say? I think we'll need more than that to get the list above (and more) completed, and rolled out to the masses! When is the T-Giving holiday again? I think I may need that 2 weeks at the end of the year to get caught up! LOL

Things are in full-steam-ahead mode here at GSLC, so stay tuned! It won't be a boring ride, I can assure you! =)