You've seen our custom leather bracelet, The Dark Copperhead. Have you ever wondered what could possibly be strong enough to be home to, or contain such a beast? Well, we give you The Copperheads Den.
What appears to be shifting, molten copper is really only leather with a unique and custom dye pattern found only at Grey Skyye Leather Co. Many have tried to imitate this powerful and unique containment, but only we at GSLC have been successful in keeping the power of The Dark Copperhead contained.
Let's put this in perspective, shall we? If this custom Essentials Gray from GSLC can contain a beast as powerful as the TDC, don't you think it can manage your $change$, keys, jewelry, and wallet? Yeh, so do we!
Limited stock is on hand due to the extreme popularity....err....NEED to contain those every day items from escaping your control. Don't wait! Get your closet, vanity, or chest-of-drawers under control. Tame those wild every day essentials with this Den of Ultimate Power! The Copperheads Den!
Disclaimer : Due to the unique nature of hand crafted items, variations in wood grains or in natural leather thickness, cuts and subtle differences in dye patterns, some items may be slightly different than what is shown in the photograph. This aspect adds to each items uniqueness and guarantees that no two pieces will ever be exactly the same. You will truly have a one of a kind item; One that friends will envy from the moment they see it.
** This may or may not apply depending on materials used (such as acrylic and/or LED bases), but most of our items can be considered unique and one of a kind due to the characteristics mentioned above.